Erick Villeta, A.B., J.D.

Full Stack Developer

Erick Villeta is a Six Sigma (6σ) certified and legal professional, who designs and develops numerous websites under his personal brand — I Build Awesome Website, a  creative digital marketing studio catering the needs of startups, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), global brands and even Hollywood celebrities.

A known pioneer in the cyberspace who was been online since 1991, his contributions to The Scene and various IT-related industries are unparalleled including but to not limited to several Australian VET online courses; co-development of Victorum, a cryptocurrency; development of ads-driven free streaming websites and classifiied ads PaaS website; reverse engineered software solutions; 3D character animation, and NSFW video game Mods. He dabbles into tons of IoTs and occasionally on select DARPA projects. He’s dubbed as “The Tech Swiss Army Knife” in The Scene.

Notably, Erick belongs to the Family of Chevron Villette.

He’s also an alumnus of the Order of DeMolay (DeMolay International) and Alpha Phi Omega (AΦΩ); a Freemason (Grand Orient de France); and is currently the Tech Department Assistant Manager and Quality Manager at Consumer Law Secrets LLC.

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